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Taganka H&H
FAQВопрос:Hello, I am from Austria and we would like to trevell to Moskau: but we need a Visum and therefore we need an conformation from the Hotel in Moskau: My quetion is: if I book a room in your Hotel could you please send me an conformation for the Visum hereAnna Scharl 2012-08-21 Развернутый ответHello Anna!Sorry for long answer! I had a holiday! Visa Supporting means voucher+invitation letter that confirm your reservations in our Hotel & Hostel Taganka. On this basis you will be given an one-entry visa at the Russian Embassy in your country. We can provide you the whole Visa Supporting after filling in the special applications (they will be sent to you after booking). We will make a vouchers and will send it to you by mail with confirmation your booking. You have to pay 1200 RUB for each person when you arrive in our Hotel. If you will have any questions - do not hesitate to ask. Anastasia 2012-08-21 |
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